The Heron Creek Community Foundation held its Annual Meeting January 21, 2022, and new Board members were elected. The Board welcomed new directors Bill Bay, Maria Rinaldo, Ona Lee Swain and Roy Munnelly. This diverse Board with their business and personal backgrounds will guide the Foundation over the next few years. The first order of business was to elect the new officers which are as follows: President- Holly Sardis-Loos, Vice President- Joe O’Connor, Treasurer -Pete Cunningham, and Secretary -Deanne Siddall.
The Foundation Committees are looking for help with various activities. Resource and Development Chair Bill Bach’s committee oversees fundraising. The major fundraiser, the annual golf tournament scheduled for October, needs volunteer to ensure it is another success.
Bill Bay is chairperson of the Grants Committee, and he is looking for people to investigate and make recommendations regarding grant applicants and to follow up with the grant recipients.
The Community Services Committee is already working on the Food Fund Drive to support All Faiths Food Bank and chairperson Marilyn Kosiorik can always use help with that or the annual Giving Tree for the holidays.
These and other committee chairs are on the Foundation website under the heading “Who We Are”. Contact the committee chairs directly to offer your help.
All members and those interested in joining the Foundation’s efforts are encouraged to explore what is going on with the committees and all areas of the Foundation at